Friday, October 24, 2008


just curious if any of you follow and, if so, have ever considered sending in a secret?

for many months i have been thinking about either sending in a secret or writing down my secret and bringing it to barnes&noble and putting it in one of the PostSecret books [a common occurence].

would you share your secret with a stranger?


Traci said...

With strangers, yes. With people I know, not so much!

Dawn said...

Probably not... it is an interesting concept though...

Glad you are here and settling in!

~Rebecca Anne~ said...

I'd never heard of people putting their secrets in one of the books. That makes me want to run down to Barnes and Noble and look for buried treasures.
I've watched post secret for well over a year now and always come away a bit in awe......

Hope your having a good weekend,
Rebecca aka stumbling around blog land finding new jouranls~~

marc said...

Even a heart that is an open book, often has a page left out.

It's just the way the heart works.
Marc :)

ELLIE said...

never shared a secret with a stranger - but the idea is interesting - now secrets in books at barnes and nobles is making my mind wander in so many